13 ago 2009

Apesar de mi pesar...

Acerca de la inmortalidad de la miseria en la ignorancia que vigila y sucumbe en los altares permanentes a la hipocresía y a la soledad, que pronto se llena de peregrinos que beben de su hiel.

Permanente a criticar cómo es que se integra una persona, para profetizar lo que sería el vientre de una sociedad divida y abandonada, carente de vibraciones y sonares del alma, que al chocar con el seno de nuestra victoriosa e implacable inconsciencia, transformase en emociones y vida que podemos suplantar en miles de ideas.

Sembrar arraigadamente en la escritura divina de la vida de otro hombre, para poder emprender un viaje al olvido y el susurro de un mañana que tal vez no exista, a sonares que sin querer persistan y eh ahí donde la montaña dorada de la inteligencia del hombre se destruye por el amar inconsciente de otro hombre… y susurran.

Las miradas ocultas debajo de la mesa emprenden una huída navegando por el mar oculto de sus emociones y pasiones ocultas, en las que, el hombre se relaciona y se entremezcla con otro hombre … y se miran.

Atravesando un portal de sensaciones que tiemblan con el pesar de las vistas chismosas, insulsas, que chismorrean uno al otro, diciendo, prometiendo, criticando, el qué pasará, y el por qué de los entes que se aman … y se hunden.

No obstante, la llamada alegría que profana en la vida de estos entes, se disfraza de gozo y danza alrededor de la fuente gloriosa del sexo y la pasión, violando su moral, para convertirse en un esclavo más del pudor y la acción lujuriosa… de caer en el otro, susurrar y hundirse en la boca contraria, para satisfacer el ansia por la necesidad de amarse uno al otro, sin que el tiempo se detenga, ni que prosiga, solo exista, en un segundo eterno, en el que ambos, se miran.

Yahir García

7 ago 2009

Tribute to "Mallory"

...Abre los ojos que me hacen imaginar,
que me hacen olvidar.
Ni una palabra sobre tu realidad,
sobre tu realidad.
Y el espacio conector
una fuerza que me hace soñar
y en el cielo se formó
una esfera de cristal
que me ilumina...

This image is from the song "Limpia tus ojos", i just recreated in my mind the song, and painted it, i hope u'll enjoy this picture. And remember to visit the myspace of Mallory, an excelent band with great songs!

6 ago 2009

Last Chavadas Contest I made, sorry

Actually I'm really dissapointed about Chavadas Contest and the unfructually and unamed lifestyle that it is currently living. Because, after the big and spectacular show that it was shown in the first contest... I just... well, responsability is a big and unpracticed adjective that always twisted practiced in the mexican "once upon a time" fable society. That adjective requires energy, volunty, and have encourage to say "i will do this..." in this time, this day, and i'll never throw any complaints to anyone... because "i will do this... because i like it"...

So, after this words, I say to everybody who read this, that I'm officially out of this project... so im not gonna be part of Chavadas Contest, this is not personal or like anything else... it's just because i'm really dissapointed about the energy, the fun and the access to say "yeah, it will be now".

So goodbye to the project and now, im gonna put the last design that i made since 2 weeks ago... and anyone putted anything, so... here it up.

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This lady is a member from Zyba, the organization of the well behavior of the planet. She is the team leader of the assassins team, a team who makes murders to people that are causing troubles around the world. The work of Juné in this team is to win the heart of these troublemakers and when they're gonna get sex, she murder the guy and the team is responsable to guide the dead to the morgue and finally to create a story about his death.
So, Zyba take the control of the well behavior around the world with murders, plans and meetings of very important people.

2 ago 2009

Spectro D'Insomnia Image

And then, the mistery of the big kingdom was broken, the nightmare is clear and the future is now. Wawawaland was destroyed, the nation of NouveauWaland was invaded, Oblivion was infected, TanTan disappeared and all the Walia Valley was conquered by the Karmit from Trash World.

But, hope still exist, is only a small group of rebel people that we trust in Walia. We never gonna be possesed by the Karmits and we'll rebuild the Wawawaland, not like a new nation, we will just fight for a nation where the dignity exist, where we know about the equality of feelings and minds, where the angry, the superior feeling and the envy are punishable.

We are just a little group of rebel people, but we will fight for the independence.

- O -

Spectro D'Insomnia, is the title for my new project, a project in which i'm gonna finish "QueLaChingada", and "Sun War Chronicles" projects with 3 past dreams (all are very important in my mind). And I'll continue with other projects.

This project will be for the end of the current year... Yes, is an animation.

Hope you like the picture.