30 jun 2009


This is an animation in which we put all that we have seen in the course.

26 jun 2009

Lipsync Animation

Yesterday we saw how to put sound and dialogues in an animation. We have worked on a dialogue that Hillary gave us, so here are the results. She's bad >:(

25 jun 2009

Basic Jump

Hi, yesterday we talked about jumps, basic jumps, and we made a simple animation in which our character jumps, but I don't like simple movements so i made my character running, jumping and escaping from the explosion/implosion that lollipop had. Here are the results.

24 jun 2009

Running Animation

A running sequence just like the walk animation, but with running poses.

22 jun 2009

Animated Walk

Today, we saw about the walking in animations. So, after of streches and squashes and step-step-step-step... This is Sparky walking.

19 jun 2009

Animations 3 & 4

Hi, in these days we made two so simple animations in which we study the mechanical movements. First a mechanical arm following a guide line (animation frame by frame).

And finally, an animation in which we study the stretch and squash that balls have.

18 jun 2009

Animatic St. Ives

A few days ago we saw what is an animatic. An animatic is like the storyboard of a movie but its animated because its more attractive, more easy and when you see the animatic, you will see the same in the movie that you are making.
Each scene, each movement, in spite of its look less aesthetic than the final animation, will be the same in the final movie.
So, Don Perro gave us a little riddle that we made in an animatic.

Well, this is the animatic of the polygamous man with so many kits in St. Ives :D

Pixel Art

Well, today we talked about the pixel art... and in spite of i need this kind of art for the videogame project... I've never seen this more advanced. Well, i'm practicing more this kind of art because i'm really interested in this art, but it's so weird.
I made my Racoon in pixel art to practice xD.

hahaha It's so pixel! :s

Tecktonik Animation Test

It's a little animation in which we study the natural movement and we practice timing and proportion.

13 jun 2009


Well, Kyo is a serie that the protagonists of the story are Kyo, Spark and Vuley, three so differents ways of life. Kyo is a guy who practices parkour and he wants fights and get into troubles all the time because is great for him. Spark is an hyperactive squirrel who lost his tail, he loves lollipops and turtle-rabbits. Vuley is a blue bull that is a freak, he was the pet of a tyranous boy that always tries to get him feel so bad for his color and his four eyes and four arms.

One day, they mets each other in an alley where the princess of the kingdom was murdered by the mafia. She throws away her kingstone, that makes someone so strong and gives magical powers. Spark found it when he met Vuley and Kyo met they when the mafia chases him.
So, they need to find the way to returns to the kingdom escaping from the mafia to give the princess's stone to the king.

Gerard Way

Well, breaking with the activities of the Capilano's course (because i've not scanned my drawings), I'd like to show this painting that i made in an hour of inactivity xD, i was so bored.
He's so sexy ;) oh yeah!.
I made this in an hour because I was so tired, but i think it looks good.

11 jun 2009

Day 3

In this class, we present an evil character that we design as homework. We see more about shapes and poses. We design our characters for the week project and we drew shapes. Finally we see the animal structure and drew many animals. So here are the results.

My evil guy
Character's shapes

My animals based on animal's structure

10 jun 2009

Day 2

Well, in this class Don Perro teach us the different styles, shapes and looks that a character has. So, he bring us a link with a many differents styles and artist. We practiced with the Tex Avery's style, first copying his style and then creating a new character with the style.

Tex Avery's Characters

My characters

Day 1

In this class we drew an apple and an action figure the best we could. I drew a simple apple, but i thought "it's so ... duuh, it could be better with a face" and xD if u see it, dont question me about that. So, here are the results.

6 jun 2009

This is my Sundown

Quinta ilustración...

La barca, mis esperanzas, mi fé, las velas de la barca y la moraleja. Moraleja de no obtenerlo, de ver como al saber de nuevo de tí, mis alegrías se van volando... mientras que nada alrededor pasa.
Como si no importara el viento, como si alrededor el tiempo se detuviera y ahí de morado van mis emociones, mis deseos, efectos secundarios y la barca que no se detendrá.
This is my sundown, algún día pagarás...

4 jun 2009

Le Royaume de le Noir Feu - La Nouveau Waland

Ya pues, cuarto día del proyecto, cuarta ilustración, ésta vez para mostrar la Nouveau Spectre, la moda que está en La Nouveau Waland, un reino nuevo en las afueras de las montañas.

La NW es un reino en el que no entran personas que no tengan un talento, su gobierno es meritocratico y lo dirige siempre un erudito, en este caso, Ixmi I "El Arquitecto", quien diseño gran parte del reino y con ayuda de los Terrea (alebrijes provinientes de debajo de la tierra) construyen casas, edificios y palacios encima del lago Walia.

Inicialmente era un pueblo cansado de la mediocridad que se vivía en los reinos distantes que quería vivir apartado de todos, vivir sin necesidad de estar peleando o competir, simplemente vivir sin ser molestados y haciendo cosas que los demás consideraran cosas de ñoños.

Las mujeres optaron por ser deportistas pero a su vez, desarrollaron un gusto por los vestidos, tuvieron que diseñar su propia vestimenta. Hombres y mujeres se ocupan de los hogares por igual. Los hombres practican deportes y se la pasan debatiendo en las plazas públicas por el futuro del reino.

El reino esta construido con altura y diseñado para que de un lado del reino casi siempre haya sombra y del otro casi siempre este soleado. Así los habitantes decidirán el lugar perfecto de acuerdo a su clima favorito.

Paladines del reino adquirieron un poder psiquico del mundo Trash, fuego negro, que no alumbra, ni se produce solo, simplemente quema como el hielo.

1 jun 2009

Bury me in honor

Tercer día del proyecto y terminé la tercera ilustración. El proyecto va viento en popa :D, poco a poco voy adquiriendo el amor por la pintura, de otra forma que me servirá.

La Nouveau Waland aun se encuentra construyendo la plaza central.
Kegh sube al trono del castillo wawawalo.
La tierra en Wawawaland se torna gris.
Se encontró un paladín wawawalo, sin embargo, entrega su arma, volverá de donde vino, no quiere la guerra, no luchará por Wawawaland, por amor a ella.

"Everything is gonna die, for starts again", fue lo último que dijo.