28 jul 2009

The Ripper (QueLaChingada N°3)

Well, today another picture from my project "QueLaChingada", remember that project is a commemoration to all my past ideas, my antiques dreams and sketchs that made me exactly how i am today.


Que pun!, hoy otro dibujo de mi proyecto "QueLaChingada", mi proyecto es una conmemoracion a todas mis antiguas ideas, sueños y bocetos que me hicieron como soy ahora.

Today, The Ripper (Original drawing: Punk [2007])

27 jul 2009

Zombie Wrestler (QueLaChingada N°2)

Bueno, no había puesto nada por aca en unos días, así que subo esta imagen de un zombie luchador que hice hace poco :D como parte de mi proyecto "QueLaChingada".

Well, i upload this image about a zombie wrestler :D because i have not uploaded anything. This is from my project "QueLaChingada".


22 jul 2009

Mu - Week 1 (Chavadas Contest)

Inicio con el este monstruo, se llama Mu, es un monstruo amigo imaginario de un niño con capacidades diferentes, le gusta hacerlo reir y jugar con el. Puede adaptarse al agua, la tierra y el aire con sus pequeñas membranas entre los dedos y sus alitas. Es docil y flexible para poder tratar con cuidado al niño. Su pelaje esponjoso hace que el niño se pueda dormir encima de el como si fuese una almohada. Su espalda tiene grabada una carita feliz en la que si se enrolla completamente el monstruo, parece que se convierte en una enorme carita feliz con orejas (sus alitas) y hace reir al niño.

Well, his name is Mu, this monster is an imaginary friend of a handicapped child, he likes so much play and make him happy. He can be under water, on ground and in the sky with his little wings and webbed digits. He's docile and flexible with the child. His sponged fur is comfortable for the child because he can sleep on him like a big pillow. In his back is marked a big happy face that if he completely coils up, he looks like a big smiley face with little ears (his wings) and makes him laugh.
Yaio :)

For more characters from Chavadas Contest click here

15 jul 2009

Sebastian "El Truenos" - Week 2 (Chavadas Contest)

Hi, this week the challenge was to create a haughty, powerful and intelligent drug dealer. He believe in his business never in friendship because his only friends are his pistol and his dog. He can see directly your face, because he dont have fear to anything.
So, I made a character named Sebastian alias "El Truenos", he's a mexican drug dealer who works alone, because he cant trust anyone. His dog is "Rafaelo", he met him when his girlfriend was murdered so the dog doesnt have an eye.
He was named "El Truenos" because his beard looks like a thunder also the sound of his pistol.

For more characters from Chavadas Contest click here

14 jul 2009

Kings of Medicine

So the Kings of Medicine said no...
The land of everything is dying...
Wawawaland was destroyed

10 jul 2009

Big Monster

Again, but today i dreamed with a biiig monster, so disgusting, but really i surprised myself because it looks very Rick xD, that's why i dedicated to him.
So, here is the monster, I love him, is so ... weird

7 jul 2009

Yaio Monstrait

Today i had nothing to do so, I decided to make my portrait, but i don't like the things without something different, then i made this monstrait.
aH!, also i practiced with a technique that i like so much (everything was directly in photoshop).

3 jul 2009

The final project.

Spark has a nightmare :(